<aside> ✨ Welcome! We're delighted that you're interested in joining our Early Access Program
We charge by the number of Monthly Orders - You can easily control how many users you want to reach out to when creating new messaging and surveys in Trackey.
<aside> 🌱 Starter
Up to 1000 Monthly Orders Starts € 29 / month
<aside> 🔥 Growth
Up to 5000 Monthly Orders Starts € 79 / month
To recognise that early access has benefits for us, and to say thanks for all the feedback, we will:
<aside> 🎉 Honour your pricing for a year, regardless of any increases we make
<aside> 🔥 Grant you access to all features and integrations, regardless of your tier.
<aside> 💡 Keep your direct support channel to us in place for at least a year!
<aside> ✨ Apply here